Note that each robot arm has \(T^6\) for its c-space, so the join of
the two robot arms has \(T^6 \# T^6\) for its c-space. By Kazdan and
Warner's Trichotomy Theorem [1], since \(n = 6 \ge 3\),
this admits an r-metric of constant curvature \(\kappa = -1\) [Author's
note: The Tricotomy Theorem appears to contradict The Cartan-Hadamard
Theorem; we'll have to look into this]. However,
by [2], as \(T^6 \# T^6\) is a connect sum of aspherical manifolds, the
universal cover of \(T^6 \# T^6\) is homotopy
equivalent (he) to (but not
necessarily proper homotopy equivalent [phe] to) a wedge of
hence it it is not he to a point, and hence it cannot be phe to
\(\mathbb{R}^6\) or isometric
to \(\mathbb{H}^6\).
(b) (Hard
[?]) Find parameters of the
Caro-Rolland table
for this mechanism for which the inertial/mass r-metric has constant
\(\kappa = -1\).
[1] Xu, J. Trichotomy theorem for prescribed scalar and
mean curvatures on compact manifolds with boundaries, (2023),
[2] McCullough, D. Connected sums of aspherical manifolds, Indiana Univ. Math. J., volume 30,
number 1, (1981), pages 17-28